September 1937 Exhibition of Asian Artists Excluded from the WPA

September 1937Exhibition of Asian Artists Excluded from the WPA September 1937Exhibition of Asian Artists Excluded from the WPA September 1937 Exhibition of Asian Artists Excluded from the WPA Fig. 104. Eitaro Ishigaki, “K.K.K.”Fig. 105. Chuzo Tamotsu, “Fire Trap”Fig. 106. Roy Kadowaki, “George Washington Bridge” Previous slide Next slide In addition to the large annual exhibitions, […]

1945 Outbreak of War between Japan and the U.S.

1945 The U.S.-Japan War and Activism through Art Fig. 124. Yasuo Kuniyoshi, “Water Torture”Fig. 125: Yasuo Kuniyoshi, “The Killer”Fig. 126. Yauso Kuniyoshi “Eradicate the Enemy: Buy Wartime Bonds!”Fig. 127. Yasuo Kuniyoshi, “Clean Up This Mess!”Fig. 128. Chuzo Tamotsu, “Map of China Cut into Pieces.”Fig. 129. Yasuo Kuniyoshi, “”Victims of MilitarismFig. 130. Chuzo Tamotsu, Tanks and […]

1936-1941 American Artists’ Congress and the Municipal Art Committee

1936-1941 American Artists’ Congress and Exhibition of the Municipal Art Committee Exhibits Fig. 101. Sakari Suzuki, “Of Her Past” In response to the growing labor movement in New York City during the Great Depression and concerns about the spread of fascism in Europe, some artist’s art began to critique social issues. In November 1929, these […]

The Great Depression and the New Deal

The Great Depression and the New Deal Fig. 78. Sakari Suzuki, “Preventive Medicine.” Mori Suzuki created a mural at Willard Parker Hospital on the theme of the history of the fight against infectious diseases, featuring Louis Pasteur, Edward Jenner, and Hideyo Noguchi. In the fall of 1929, the New York stock market crashed, ushering in […]

1927, 1935, 1936 The New York Shimpo and the Japanese Artists Exhibition

1927, 1935, 1936 The New York Shimpo and the Japanese Artists Exhibition Fig. 52. A Group Photograph taken at a Japanese exhibition in 1927. Kuniyoshi Yasuo is in the center, Hamachi Kiyomatsu is second from the left in the front row, and Eitaro Ishigaki is third from the left in the back row. Bumpei Usui’s […]

1920s The Salons of America and the Society of Independent Artists Exhibition

1920s The Salons of America and the Society of Independent Artists Exhibition Fig. 11. Photos of the Salons of America, exhibition venue In the 1920s, the United States enjoyed a post-first World War economic boom. The streets were filled with flappers, women with short skirts and bobbed hair, and popular culture, such as radio, movies, […]

1922 Gacho-kai Exhibition

1922 Gacho-kai Exhibition Fig. 5. The Gacho-Kai group photo at the exhibition site. In the center of the front row is Kotato Gado(T.K. Gado), and Yasuo Kuniyoshi is on the right side of the front row, facing sideways. Eitaro Ishigaki is on the far left in the back row, Kyohei Inukai is second from the […]

1917-1918 Exhibitions of the Japanese Art Association

Located on the East Coast of the United States, New York City was an immigration hub for Europeans that prospered as a center of economy, industry, and culture at the end of the 19th century.  In the early 20th century, a Japanese community formed there which mainly consisted of government officials and business people. However, […]

Credits and References

Credits and References Baigell, Matthew and Williams, Julia. Artists Against War and Fascism. (New Jersey: Rutgers University Press 1986). Baron, Herman. “Writings and Notes: A.C.A. Uptown”, Herman Baron papers, circa early 1950s. unpublished typescript, A.C.A. Galleries records,1917-1963. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. ―――.Undated, correspondence, “A.C.A. gallery circa, 1936-1940”.manuscript. in Max Weber […]

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