Suki Terada Ports
Yeiichi “Kelly” Kuwayama
Asahi Shimbun Partnerships with The New York Times

The oldest article believed to be written by Asahi Shimbun’s New York correspondent

The First Foreign Public Relations Magazine

New York Shimpo, the First issue in 1904

The First Japanese Newspaper “Japanese American Commercial Weekly” established in 1900

Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) New York Chapter


The New York Buddhist Church (NYBC)

The New York Buddhist Church was founded by Rev. Hozen Seki in 1938. They continued their services during WWII and, in 1948, for the 10 year anniversary of the church, they established the American Buddhist Academy.
The church celebrated its 50th anniversary on June 4 and 5, 1988.
They are still active to this day and hold services every Sunday.