New York Japanese American Committee for Japan Relief Inc. 1947-1952

After World War II, a private American organization, the Licensed Agencies for Relief in Asia (LARA), conducted a relief goods dissemination campaign in postwar Japan from November 1946 to June 1952. The New York Japanese American Committee for Japan Relief Inc. worked with them for Japan’s relief.

LARA distributed 33 million pounds of food, clothing, shoes, cotton, soap, medicine, as well as over 2 million pigs, 2,000 goats and 50 milk cows, transported by 458 ships in total. According to Rhoads, around 20% of these supplies were donations from Japanese nationals and Japanese descendants in North and South America, including Japanese Americans from New York.

This document includes the first meeting minutes in 1947.

New York Japanese American Committee for Japan Relief Inc.
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