In 1907, the Japanese Mutual Aid Society (Nihonjin Kyosaikai) was established by Dr. Toyohiko Takami to provide social services and aid to the Japanese and Japanese American community, changed the name to Japanese American Association New York Inc. (JAANY) in the 1950s.
Dr. Takami also purchased a plot of land at Mt. Olivet Cemetery to bury Japanese who died in New York without family and to hold memorial services in their memory. JAANY contunue to organize The annual Bosankai, or “grave attendance ceremony,” is held at the cemetery during Memorial Day Weekend.
More recently, JAANY has raised funds for victims of disasters around the world, including the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, Hurricane Sandy, Kumamoto and Hokkaido earthquakes, and Typhoon Hagibis.
Since the 100th Anniversary in 2007, JAANY has held an annual black-tie gala at the Harvard Club to honor community members and raise funds.
Japanese American Association New York: