Major Japanese Media Open New York Bureaus

In addition to major media outlets such as Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, and Yomiuri Shimbun, other companies also opened bureaus in New York, including Nikkei Shimbun (1952), Kyodo News (1952), NHK (1953), as well as some private broadcasting stations in the 1960s. 1. Reports of the NHK North American Special Press Team (from 1962 NHK Yearbook) 2. Satellite TV Broadcasting Begins (from 1964 NHK Yearbook) 3. News from the General Bureau for America (from a 1963 NHK company newsletter “Network NHK”) 4. Fuji TV New York Bureau Opens (1967, from “50 Years History” publication)

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Fujisankei Communications International, Inc. NHK General Bureau for America